Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oregon Coast

One of my joys in life is to go on vacation. I love being away from the normal life of which I am a part of. Currently, my family and I are in a beach house on the Oregon Coast in Lincoln City. I only had a couple of things I wanted to do...go on the beach...and eat food. But there is a couple of problems with that. I've eaten too much food and not been on the beach enough. We today instead of going on the beach and becoming beach bums, we are going to go shopping at a wonderful outlet mall. Shopping is a girls best friend...but not when you can hear the waves crashing against the shore. But in any case, I forgot how beautiful the coast is. It is so green and gorgeous. We went to the Tillamook Cheese factory yesterday and on our way back from a beautiful lighthouse, we drove the scenic route home. It actually didn't take too long, the kids were sleeping...and the road was right along the water. So my plans til I leave Saturday... go to the beach everyday for at least a couple of hours.

What's funny is the difference in beaches. 3 weeks ago, I was in Virginia and I went to the North Carolina beach in Outer Banks. The weather was beautiful and hot and the water was warm. We walk into the water here and I about freeze my feet off.

But either way, there is something about being on the ocean. It's really peaceful. Yesterday, I fell asleep outside on our top floor deck listening to the water. I was in a lawn chair and it got a little cold. So from my neck down I covered myself in a blanket. With the sunshine, it was a perfect situation and I slept for an hour.
In any case, it's been a good break. And it's good to spend time with family in the nature.